Getting Things Done®
Custom coaching and proven systems and tools to help you achieve more in business and life with less stress.
Courses to choose from
Find your optimal next step in our suite of solutions designed for all levels of experience and commitment
GTD Foundation gets you to a complete, consistent and trusted GTD system as quickly as possible. Your coach will lead you through the best way to create a trusted system in a clear, easy-to-follow format. Learn more
You’re set up with GTD but you still have more important projects and actions than you can accomplish in the time available. Learn strategies to live a more purposeful life. Learn more
Bring together the foundational and higher-level thinking of GTD to build upon your trusted system so you can better absorb the shocks of life. Learn more
vision and refocus
Working with one of our instructors to ensure you maintain best practices. Learn more
Five horizons
Alleviate the feeling of overwhelm by committing to one of our experts to ensure you maintain lifelong habits for stress-free productivity.

"What started as a desire to ‘get control’ has turned into a journey striving to be more intentional and more balanced – both personally and professionally."

Tanya, CFP
"GTD continues to be the key process in managing my business and my life – and feeling satisfied along the way!"

Marx Acosta-Rubio, CEO Focal Point - X
"GTD allowed me to build several multi million dollar companies, and much more importantly, design a life worth living by my standards"
How it works
Schedule a call
Simply reach out to us on our contact page and we will connect with you to schedule a call.
Commit to a Coach
We connect you with one of our certified coaches.
Achieve freedom and focus
Getting Things Done® Coaching will change your life!
Approved Partner for GTD® Coaching
GTD® focus is the exclusive Partner for the delivery of Getting Things Done® individual coaching in North America.
Ready for a more productive life?
Start your journey by connecting with a certified GTD® Coach