Today’s newsletter discusses the topic of motivating yourself and others to form strong GTD habits. We’re also happy to introduce our newest coaching program, Integration.

Are you struggling to motivate others in your life to adopt better habits and increase their productivity? Read this David Allen blog post to learn how to apply the principles of vision, standards, and care to inspire those around you to reach their full potential.

Learn all about our newest coaching program that supports you in Making GTD Second Nature (4-minute runtime). GTD coach, and GTD Focus President, Meg Edwards illustrates how getting support to improve your system can help you regain control amidst life’s inevitable ups and downs, and why the Integration Program is your new go-to for instilling unbreakable GTD habits.

Do you know someone who is great at the skill of their job but overwhelmed with all the “stuff’? Maybe they read productivity books, listen to productivity podcasts, and have 1 GB in downloaded list manager apps on their hard drive, but they work out of their head (or off a hastily scribbled post-it) when they start their day. Why not send them this newsletter, and these coaching testimonials that can show them what after-coaching looks like?

“What offers immediate pleasure comes to seem like a distraction, an empty entertainment to help pass the time. Real pleasure comes from overcoming challenges, feeling confidence in your abilities, gaining fluency in skills, and experiencing the power this brings.” – Robert Greene

Feel free to share this newsletter with friends, family, and colleagues who may benefit from GTD.


GTD Focus