The holiday season can feel chaotic, pulling your attention in many directions. This week’s insights will help you realign with your priorities.

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Regain clarity and balance with a simple yet effective exercise. David Allen explains how revisiting your areas of focus and responsibility helps you reconnect with what truly matters—family, health, personal growth, and more.

👉 Watch now: Areas of Focus, Responsibility and Interests | GTD® (2-minute runtime).

Beyond the Basics

Feeling like your GTD system is functional but not transformational? GTD client David Drake shares how the Strategy program helped him align his daily actions with a deeper purpose when he personalized his system to fit his unique goals and cognitive style.

Learn how Operating Out of the Areas of Focus (6-minute runtime) can transform your life.

Are Your Priorities Aligned?

Discover how honing your Areas of Focus can bring clarity and balance to your life. Learn to distinguish mid-level priorities from long-term goals and daily tasks with practical insights and exercises from this podcast.

👉 Listen to Episode #265: Skills Lab – Areas of Focus (42-minute runtime)

Quote of the Week

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and enjoy the dance.” – Alan Watts

Know anyone who might feel like their priorities are spinning out of control this season? Share this newsletter! Clarity and balance are gifts you can pass on.


GTD Focus